Proudly serving ‘Full Circle’ Irish Roasted Coffee

“A bad day with coffee, is better than a good day without it”

2 Coffee's on a table, outside, with a pair of sunglasses laying adjacent to them

We love our coffee…

In fact, you could say we’re a little bit mad about it! Which is why we’re so proud to be serving ‘Full Circle’ Irish Roasted coffee in every cup. In-store, we’re delighted to offer your favorites with milk substitutes if needed.

And available in-store (and soon online), we stock whole coffee beans available direct to your door too!

Sometimes though, a hot chocolate is best.

For those times when we want something a little more homely, or for those little ones with us; we’re delighted to serve Aine Hand Made hot chocolate sticks.

Topped off with marshmallows - of course!